The best way to guarantee that your evening dres swill be unique and will fit you perfectly is to construct it yourself. There is no need to be intimidated about sewing an evening gown. While some evening dress designs can require expert sewing skills, simpler dresses that are within the abilities of novices to make can be elegant choices as well. By sewing your own gown, you can select the perfect color and design to create your own stylish look.
Step 1, measure yourself, wearing the undergarments you’ll wear with the dress, and take these measurements to the fabric store when purchasing the pattern and fabric. Compare your measurements to the back of the pattern envelope, being aware that pattern sizes are not the same as ready-to-wear sizes.
Step 2, cut out the pattern and fabric according to the size necessary from the back of the envelope and your own measurements.
Step 3, pin the garment together and try it on, being careful not to scratch yourself with the pins. Be sure to wear the undergarments you will wear with the gown, as undergarments can change the fit of dress. You may need a friend to help with this fitting. Evening dresses generally should be fitted fairly close to the body, but not so tight that the seams pull or bunch up. Adjust the seam allowances if necessary to create the ideal fit.
Step 4, sew the pieces together according to the pattern instructions, taking the time to try on the garment before and after sewing major seams, such as the sides and back seams, and again before sewing the shoulder seams or straps, if any.
Step 5, pin the hem of the dress while wearing the shoes you intend to wear with the dress. If possible, have a friend help you to pin the hem evenly. Wearing the correct shoes while hemming will ensure the hem is the correct length.
Step 6, Hem outer layer by hand, catching only a few threads of the outer fabric as you sew, so that the hem is invisible from the right side.