Power Outlet
China uses 220 VAC power with 60Hz. The picture below shows typical power outlet in China. Make sure your computer and other electronic equipments can handle Chinese power and its outlet. If not, you should get a power converter before you leave for China.

China 220V Power Outlet
China 220V Power Outlet

Country Side
China country side is still beautiful. However, more and more commercial developments are moving into country side.

Rice Field
Rice Field

Chinese Village
Chinese Village

Big Country Restaurant
Big Country Restaurant

Chinese City
Chinese Cities are dominated by high rises.

City View of Guangzhou
City View of Guangzhou

Subway is the best way to get around in city – traffic jam is almost 24 hours in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. This is the subway sign in Beijing. More and more major cities in China have or developing subway systems.

Beijing Subway Sign
Beijing Subway Sign

Seating style toilet is becoming more and more common in Chinese home. However, most public toilets are still squat type. This is due to general perception that seating style public toilets are not clean. Squat style toilet is challenging for some European and American travelers. However, high price hotels and restaurants usually have seating style toilets.

Public Squat Toilet
Public Squat Toilet

American Comfort Food
You can find a lot of American restaurants in China. KFC and McDonald’s are everywhere. Papa John’s and Pizza Hut are also popular.

Pizza Hut and KFC
Pizza Hut and KFC

Pizza Hut
Pizza Hut

Chinese Food Challenge
These snack food shown below requires a brave soul to try.

Scorpion and Sea Star as Snack
Scorpion and Sea Star as Snack

Scorpion and Sea Star Snack
Scorpion and Sea Star Snack