
If one of the cards in a daisy-chained Beckhoff system has problem, the problem can cascade upward and cause whole system to hang up. In order to identify the problem node, we need to log which card causes the problem. The problem card normally shows up as not in operating mode (OP) with lot of communication error.

Steps to identify the renegade card

  1. Access System Manager by clicking on  near the clock area.

     Beckhoff Shortcut Near Clock
    Beckhoff Shortcut Near Clock
  2. Click on “System Manager” from pop up menu

    System Manager
    System Manager
  3. Click on I/O – Configuration -> I/O Device -> Device 1 (EtherCAT) on the left hand panel. Click on “Online” Tab on the right hand panel. Expand all racks before taking screen shot.  Take screen shots  to capture all cards status. Important status are: card state  such as “OP” , CRC error count, Lost Frames and Tx/Rx Errors.
    Beckhoff TwinCAT CRC and Lost Frame Statistics